【zip】12 points that will help achieve results

  1. Introduce staking from 01.01.2024 (mechanics the earlier you stake, the more you can get the result, taking into account the staking time);

  2. Introduce from 01.01.2024 a voting system with a minimum amount of ZKF, which is $100 (or more, that can help with bots, I think);

  3. Introduce a minimum amount for Perp protocols orders when they will be launched (min $5 in ZKF tokens);

  4. Open up the possibility to run a node (validator) for users with a set minimum amount (start with 100 validators with a goal of 1000 validators - and here the mechanics are as follows, the more validators there are, the more the minimum amount needed to launch a node);

  5. Start ZKF name service from 01.01.2024 (its availability will be taken into account when voting);

  6. When launching projects based on ZKFAIR to agree with them the conditions of possible drop from these projects, namely the conditions for getting a drop in project X will be the following criteria: staking, voting, availability of ZKF name service (this mechanics can be added something else in the future);

  7. Consider a buyback in the future (not worth using now) with possible partial distribution to loyal/active users (there may be more criteria);

  8. Need high-profile partnerships - this will get the community all over the internet;

  9. Publicity stage of the team - overlaps with point 8;

  10. At the moment of a possible strong fall in the price of token, launch NFT campaign, the mint is free, but to participate need to be a holder of ZKF for a certain amount.

  11. Ideally it would be good to use several airdrops - it will stimulate users to be active in the network (with mandatory criteria from points 2, 3, 5).

  12. Add a procedure for burning tokens.

Perhaps some points may already be written, but I want to convey the possibility of integrated use. To use only one of these points would not be a great success, I think, bu if use all (part) of these - it woild be good move to great result.

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