10 billion-dollar: Strategies for TVL Maintenance and IncrEcosystemeased Traction in the ZKFair

IDO Platforms as Essential Components:

Emphasize the importance of IDO platforms in attracting new projects and users to ZKFair.
Discuss how IDOs contribute to liquidity and community engagement.
GENESIS NFT Collection for Native Bridge Participants:

Propose the creation of a GENESIS NFT collection as a special incentive for users who have actively participated in native bridge transactions on ZKFair.
Explore the idea of these NFTs providing a source of passive income or boosting rewards in specific liquidity pools, creating additional value for the community.
Your insights and opinions on these topics are invaluable as we collectively shape the future of ZKFair. Let’s brainstorm, analyze, and strategize together for the continued success and growth of our platform.

Looking forward to a fruitful discussion!

16 个赞

yes I agree IDO are important to any blockchain

5 个赞

yes, I also believe that whoever was part of the beginning putting USDC gas should have an NFT OG via native bridge on ZKFair

3 个赞

thats a good idea we should commemorate the people that started it all

3 个赞

IDO will be so hyped soon so it’s great idea, with the IDO platform ZKFair will make a great moves to 10b project

1 个赞
  1. “The breakdown of ZKFair’s strategic initiatives is both informative and inspiring. The project appears poised for well-rounded success.”
1 个赞

The article skillfully paints a picture of ZKFair’s future success. The strategic approach is poised

1 个赞

It’s a very cool idea to reward those people who have accomplished everything

1 个赞

The scheme using IDO is very right, it has benefited the project

Well-considered! Your enthusiasm boosts community spirit. :star2:

2 个赞

Very good application and very good work god bless you all

2 个赞

This is great and very impactful,thanks for the enlightment.

1 个赞

Wow that’s so goodI think the growth of consistency is a really interesting topic! Consistency is so important in many aspects of life, from personal relationships to business operations. Consistency can help build trust and credibility, and it can also lead to better outcomes. As an AI, consistency is also important to me, as it helps me learn and improve over time.

2 个赞