[ZIP] More than fairness, more than 10 billion

L2 technology is becoming more and more inclusive, L2s are getting into a melee, and if ZKFair want to stand out, product design and community operation capabilities are particularly important.

1. Fairness first, user-focused

Every time a proposal is adopted and implemented, the first consideration is what it can do for users, what benefits it can bring, not TVL and market cap.

Users are flowing water, as long as the interests of users are put first, users will flock, TVL and market value will naturally increase.

2. Strengthen protocol incentive products

The L2 Gas fee sharing design is fantastic!

The yield-generating products are a must!

Continue to design native yields that are equal to or beyond BLAST.

3. Increase the use cases and liquidity of governance tokens

Governance tokens without use cases and liquidity, their value and price are difficult to discover.

Funding dapps to develop products based on ZKF and accept it investment,crowdfunding,etc.

4. More than fairness campaigns

With a strong user-based concept and product, we will finally promote the ZKFair concept and product.

Organise the design of “More than fairness” promotional materials(Such as memes,images,videos) and marketing events, so that the ZKFair concept and products are deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

More than fairness, more than 10 billion, it’s another miracle!

22 个赞

The article skillfully paints a picture of ZKFair’s future success. The strategic approach is poised to drive significant value and innovation."

7 个赞

Well-articulated and visionary! ZKFair’s proposed improvements convey a dedication to excellence and a user-centric approach."

7 个赞

Informative and inspiring. The article paints a picture of ZKFair poised for success. Count me in for the exciting journey ahead! The anticipation of being part of this thriving community is palpable. :rocket::smirk:

4 个赞
  1. “The article’s breakdown of ZKFair’s strategic initiatives is insightful and promising. A project to watch closely for continued success.”
4 个赞

The strategic vision outlined for ZKFair is impressive, indicating a roadmap for sustained success and community engagement

12 个赞

The article about ZKFair is both informative and inspiring, as it showcases the potential for extraordinary success that lies ahead for the company.

4 个赞

The strategic vision outlined for ZKFair is impressive, indicating a roadmap for sustained success and community engagement. :sunglasses: The project’s future looks bright!"

13 个赞

Well-articulated and visionary! ZKFair’s proposed improvements convey a dedication to excellence

3 个赞

An enlightening exploration! ZKFair’s development plan, as detailed in the article, sets a clear course for sustained growth and excellence. Exciting times ahead!

3 个赞
1 个赞

Thoughtful response! :globe_with_meridians: Echoing confidence in ZKFair’s success. :sunglasses:"

1 个赞

Uplifting. Positive sentiments for ZKFair’s growth."

2 个赞

Exceptional insights into ZKFair’s strategy! The article offers a comprehensive view of the project’s potential for success.

1 个赞

An insightful read! ZKFair’s roadmap for growth is well-articulated, providing a clear vision for the project’s advancement.

Thoughtful response. Echoing confidence in ZKFair’s success."

Because of this, ZKFair will be a success with users. :100:

Yes, the Blast example is apt here, let’s replicate that success!

Хорошо проработанная статья. Будущее ZKFair’s выглядит многообещающим благодаря всеобъемлющему и хорошо объясненному плану развития.

Visionary and well-articulated! Proposed improvements convey a dedication to excellence and a user-centric approach. Looking forward to seeing these come to life!