a. General:
The staking mechanism is the commitment of investors to be loyal to the project. The longer the time, the more they prove their loyalty and they deserve to be rewarded and recognized.
This expansion mechanism has an additional time element, contributing to classifying investors who really want to go far with the project, based on the amount of sZKF received from the staking lockup period. And from this number, they also receive a proper profit share and real voting power.
As the governance token of zkFair, $ZKF will bring numerous utilities, including:
Staking $ZKF into the staking contract will get $sZKF and Voting Power.
$sZKF is an ERC20 token, which can be deposited into pool and get sharing gas fees.
Investors can use sZKF to vote for new proposals, as well as vote for projects sponsored by zkfair…
b. Conversion rate:
Staking $ZKF will get sZKF and Voting Power. For the conversion rates, please refer to the formula below:
The initial staking rate would be 1, and it would double every year afterwards.
LockPeriod represents the lock-up period (a year as a unit). Users can decide the lockup period on their own: from 1 day to up to 4 years.
Based on the calculation formula above, when the stakingRate remains 1, the relationship between different lock-up period and conversion rate would be as below:
4 years lock-up period will get the complete conversion rate;
3 years lock-up period will get 50% conversion rate;
2 years lock-up period will get 25% conversion rate;
1 year lock-up period will get 12.5% conversion rate;
StakingRate will double every year. Please refer to the chart below for conversion rates with different stakingRates.
StakingRate will be increasing as the time goes on, which means the conversion rate of later staking users will be higher than the earlier staking users under the same lock-up period condition.
In staking mechanism, if the $ZKF stake amount and the staking period conclude at the same time, stakers will receive an equal amount of $sZKF, regardless of when the staking commenced. For instance, a staker who locks 1000 $ZKF for a four-year period starting in January 2023 will receive the same quantity of $sZKF as another staker who locks 1000 $ZKF for a three-year term starting in January 2024, given that both staking periods conclude simultaneously.
To help staked users continuously get more $sZKF and greater voting power, the restake function shows up. Restake function allows stakers to extend the lock-up period and unexpired position for highest conversion rate.
d. License:
This is the staking mechanism that the Dyson Finance project is using. We can create a smart contract ourselves or contact them to cooperate. Cooperation will be much faster and more convenient, because they are also the top growing project on Polygon zkEVM