【ZIP】Strategic Revenue and TVL Enhancement Proposal

Executive Summary:

This proposes a strategy for ZKFair, focusing on the challenges posed by the immediate release of the full token supply. We aim to integrate innovative revenue models and maintain high (TVL), while addressing potential token oversupply and price instability. These initiatives are designed to ensure the long-term growth, sustainability, and robust community engagement within the ZKFair ecosystem.

Staking Incentive Program - Adapted for Instant Full Token Supply:

Objective: Enhance TVL stability and growth, counteracting the risks associated with a full, instant token supply release.


  1. Utilizing Unclaimed Tokens and Repurchased Token Allocation:
  • Reward Pool: Continue with the allocation of 50 million unclaimed tokens and 20% of repurchased tokens for staking rewards.
  • USDC Reward System: Introduce rewards in USDC, calculated based on the $ value of the token at the time of lock-up, to provide stability against market volatility.

Implementation Details:

  • Tiered Staking Options: introduce four staking tiers (3, 6, 12, and 24 months).
  • APYs and Reward Caps:
    • 3 months: 5% APY, cap at 10,000 tokens or equivalent in USDC.
    • 6 months: 7% APY, cap at 15,000 tokens or equivalent in USDC.
    • 12 months: 10% APY, cap at 25,000 tokens or equivalent in USDC.
    • 24 months: 12% APY, cap at 40,000 tokens or equivalent in USDC.
  • Early Withdrawal Penalties: Implement a sliding scale penalty to discourage short-term staking and promote TVL stability.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Increased TVL: Incentivize longer-term commitments for a higher and more stable TVL.
  • Diverse Investor Appeal: Attract a broad range of investors, including those seeking stable returns in USDC.
  • Controlled Token Circulation: Reduce the immediate impact of full token supply release on the market.

Detailed Analysis of Additional Strategic Components

2. Transaction Fee Model:

Objective: Generate sustainable revenue while enhancing network infrastructure and supporting community initiatives.

Detailed Strategy:

  • Fee Structure: Implement a nominal transaction fee (e.g., 0.05% per transaction).
  • Dynamic Fee Adjustment: Periodically adjust fees based on network congestion and market conditions to maintain competitiveness and efficiency.
  • Revenue Allocation:
    • 50% towards continuous network infrastructure upgrades and maintenance.
    • 30% allocated to R&D for future development, ensuring ZKFair stays at the forefront of technological advancements.
    • 20% reserved for community initiatives, such as educational programs, grants for developers, and community events.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Generate an estimated annual revenue of $7 million, based on transaction volume projections.
  • Enhanced network performance and user experience, driving further adoption.
  • Foster a vibrant community ecosystem, essential for long-term project sustainability.

3. Premium Services and Features:

Objective: Diversify revenue streams and enhance user engagement through value-added services.

Detailed Strategy:

  • Advanced Analytics Suite: Develop a comprehensive suite offering insights into market trends, portfolio analysis, and predictive modeling.
  • Early Access Program: Provide premium users with early access to new features, beta testing opportunities, and exclusive updates.
  • Customizable Subscription Models: Offer various subscription tiers, allowing users to choose services based on their needs. For example, a basic package for casual users and a pro package with extensive features for advanced users.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Target a 20% uptake in premium services within the existing user base within the first year.
  • Establish ZKFair as a platform not just for transactions but also for market intelligence and strategic trading.

4. Token Buyback and Burn Program:

Objective: Stabilize token value by adjusting the buyback strategy to market conditions.

Detailed Strategy:

  • Market Responsive Buybacks: Allocate a flexible percentage of quarterly profits (e.g., 10-20%) for buybacks, depending on market performance and token valuation.
  • Burn Mechanism: Implement a transparent burn process, where a portion of the bought-back tokens are periodically destroyed, reducing the overall supply.
  • Regular Market Analysis: Conduct bi-monthly market analyses to determine optimal buyback amounts and timings.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Aim to reduce the circulating token supply by 3-5% annually.
  • Enhance token value and investor confidence through a demonstrable commitment to managing supply.

5. Governance and Voting Rights:

Objective: Deepen community engagement in decision-making, particularly concerning token supply management.

Detailed Strategy:

  • Token-Based Voting System: Implement a system where token holders can vote on key proposals, with voting power proportional to token ownership.
  • Community Proposal Portal: Develop a platform for community members to submit and discuss proposals, subject to certain criteria and vetting.
  • Regular Governance Updates: Provide transparent and regular updates on governance decisions and outcomes to maintain community trust and involvement.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Achieve at least 40% community participation in major governance votes within the first year.
  • Foster a sense of ownership and involvement among token holders, crucial for project loyalty and advocacy.

Addressing Market Volatility:

Strategies for Price Stabilization:

  • Market Maker Collaboration: Work with market makers to ensure liquidity and mitigate extreme price volatility.
  • Community Communication: Maintain transparency with regular updates and reports, building trust and reducing panic selling. This can be prioritised via platforms such as X and discord.
  • Stabilization Reserve Fund: Establish a reserve to manage extreme market movements, funded by a portion of transaction fees.

Encouraging DApp Development to Boost TVL and User Engagement:

Objective: Enhance Total Value Locked (TVL) and user engagement by fostering a thriving DApp ecosystem on ZKFair.

Strategy Overview:

  • ZKFair aims to attract and support the development of decentralized applications (DApps), particularly those like exchanges, which can significantly contribute to TVL and user engagement. A vibrant DApp ecosystem not only increases the utility of ZKFair but also serves as a magnet for new users and investors.

Initiatives to Support DApp Development:

  1. Developer Grants and Incentives:
  • Establish a fund specifically for supporting promising DApp projects, especially those that can directly contribute to increasing TVL.
  • Offer financial grants, technical support, and marketing assistance to selected projects.
  1. Airdrop Partnerships:
  • Collaborate with DApps, particularly exchanges, to offer airdrops exclusive to ZKFair users. These airdrops, typically in the form of the DApp’s native token, can incentivize user participation and retention.
  • Coordinate airdrop campaigns to coincide with major milestones or events within the ZKFair ecosystem, maximizing hype and engagement.
  1. Developer Ecosystem Support:
  • Provide comprehensive developer resources, including documentation, SDKs, and APIs, to simplify the process of building on ZKFair.
  • Host developer workshops, webinars, and hackathons to nurture a skilled developer community.
  1. Integration and Collaboration:
  • Encourage the integration of existing popular DApps into the ZKFair ecosystem, enhancing the platform’s attractiveness.
  • Foster collaborations between different DApp projects to create synergies that benefit the entire ZKFair ecosystem.

Projected Outcomes:

  • Increased TVL: Target a significant increase in TVL as new DApps launch and mature on the platform.
  • Sustained User Growth: Leverage airdrops and new DApp services to attract and retain a growing user base.
  • Ecosystem Vibrancy: Establish ZKFair as a hub for innovative DApp development, fostering long-term ecosystem sustainability.


This proposal for ZKFair takes a proactive approach to managing the immediate full token supply release. By adapting our staking program and other strategic initiatives, we aim to stabilize the token value, ensure sustainable TVL growth, and maintain robust community engagement, laying a strong foundation for the long-term success of the ZKFair ecosystem.

Thank you for your time and please note that these figures can easily be adjusted as seen fit and are primarily to demonstrate the idea.

1 个赞

I Like the concept, seems well thought through and actually addresses some of the issues. How would you suggest encouraging people to develop DAPPs?

Maybe don’t have withdrawal penalties just have them under complete lock in this bit

  • Early Withdrawal Penalties: Implement a sliding scale penalty to discourage short-term staking and promote TVL stability.

It doesnt make sense to have a lock if you can unlock to me

I think this should be covered under the initiatives to support development specifically section 1

  1. Developer Grants and Incentives:
  • Establish a fund specifically for supporting promising DApp projects, especially those that can directly contribute to increasing TVL.
  • Offer financial grants, technical support, and marketing assistance to selected projects.

Yeah i think that would make more sense long term, I will leave it as this for now with the expectation that if used the team will make adjustments