[ZIP] Some personal thoughts for Zkfair to reach high Mcap value

Oldukça güzel tespitler :pray:t2::+1:t2: başarılarınız daim olsun :four_leaf_clover:

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Bınance globele gelmezse pek ciddiye alamam gibi nedense orayı sevıyorum

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I really hope they use one :slight_smile:

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Less than 24 hours left, airdrop recipients are happy :smiley:

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1 个赞

This is a well thought out and reasoned post in which the author gives constructive advice to improve the Zkfair project and increase its value in the market. :thinking:

1 个赞

I found it successful, congratulations

1 个赞

We are waiting for more, let’s see

will make noise in the future

Tüm projeler bu şekilde güçlendirilse tadından yenmezdi :slight_smile:

Congratulations, very thoughtful thoughts🤝🏼

Good luck zkfair and kahin

Tebrikler abi Allah utandırmasın

Eline sağlık hocam teşekkürler

Binance ve gate gelmezse üzer

BingX borsasında listelenecek kanka. Bence süreç içinde yeni borsa duyuruları da gelecek.

1 个赞

Gate niye ya? Çok mu önemli

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Waov biliyorsunuz bu işi :+1:t2: 4 ve 5. Maddeler ilgimi çekti

Good suggestions my friend, congratulations

Thank you kriptokahin