【ZIP】Short-term plans for listing the token on the exchange.

  1. Announce the deadlines for hallmarking to be short, no more than a week for hallmarking tokens.
  2. To prevent people from immediately starting to withdraw USDC from your network, immediately after the return (and this will happen), then announce that a snapshot of deposits will be made and all unclaimed ZKF tokens will be distributed in accordance with the size of the deposit.
  3. Block ZKF tokens on wallets from the moment of distribution until the moment of listing on the exchange:
    1. 4th wave - blocking from the moment of distribution (only stake, no transfers) until the moment of listing on the exchange (since in my opinion it is more decentralized)
    2. 3rd wave - blocking from the moment of distribution (only stake, no transfers) + blocking 3-7 days after listing on the exchange
    3. 2nd wave - blocking from the moment of distribution (only stake, no transfers) + blocking 7-14 days after listing on the exchange
    4. 1st wave - blocking from the moment of distribution (only stake, no transfers) + blocking 14-21 days after listing on the exchange
  4. Claim the ZKF token to be the governance token.
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Whole claiming process should last 10 days as was mentioned by team