An idea on how to reach the top 10 and become recognized all over the world

There is an idea to launch another token, the ZKF satellite - (ZKFgas), where for $1 burned you will receive $0.25 worth of ZKFgas token, $0.25 will go to the liquidity of the ZKFgas token, $0.05 to the developer fund, for updating and integrating partnerships , such as payment with ZKFgas tokens in stores or online platforms, and $0.45 to ZKF stakers, this way people will be more interested in transactions of the ZKF network, make an unlimited emission of ZKFgas, only on the condition that the token will be minted for the amount of commission according to the ZKFgas rate, in block when the transaction was created, (according to the formula), in this way we will prevent the collapse of the ZKFgas rate, and will create great interest on the part of users, this will be a novelty, and will definitely be crowned with success!!

6 个赞

An enlightening exploration! :sweat_smile: ZKFair’s development plan sets a clear course for sustained growth and excellence. Exciting times ahead!

1 个赞

thats an interesting take, i want to see how it would work in reality

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