【ZIP】A $10 billion strategy to build the most efficient L2 ZKFair

I’ll be giving you and the rest of the community even more information. And when we realize what I have proposed, then it will be time for a 10 billion dollar project.

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Thank you for your feedback and well wishes.

شكرا لك على هذا المقاله الجميلة

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Which crypto project is going to blow up on 2024.?

2 个赞

Yeah, a friend. It’s coming up. January, I think. But a $10 billion capitalization by the end of the year is realistic.

thanks for this article

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شكرا لك على ملاحظاتك. اتبع موضوعاتي وهناك العديد من المقالات المفيدة في انتظارك.

Хорошая и интересная статья, мне понравилась.

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Хорошая статья, сейчас мир онлайн а , есть чему поучиться.

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The article is wonderful and interesting because it explains aspects of working in cryptocurrencies that were not known

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Хороший проект, мне понравилось

1 个赞

Really useful article to be taken into consideration
Thank you for the meaningful content

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this is a great information

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