【ZIP】ZKFair The 10 Billion-Dollar Plan is to take the uncommon path

The thesis for zkfair to be a 10 billion dollar project is to focus on niche markets and unique use cases within the web3 ecosystem to minimize direct competition with established projects in DEX, NFT marketplaces, and stablecoins. By providing tailored solutions for underserved communities, we should aim to capture specific demographics and foster loyalty among our users. Long-term focus / revenues create token value; not short-term incentives.

  1. Decentralized Marijuana Delivery Services (Two-Sided Marketplace): In a location agnostic way, with decentralized front-ends, but only focusing on regions where cannabis is legal, create a decentralized two-sided marketplace that connects licensed dispensaries with consumers in a trustless environment. Implement features such as verified user profiles (zk), secure payment solutions using cryptocurrencies or stablecoins, and real-time inventory management to ensure smooth transactions. By leveraging smart contracts for escrow services and automated dispute resolution, we can provide a seamless experience that encourages both adoption and retention.
  2. Doujinshi Comics & Hentai Marketplace: - file marketplace targeted to web3 enthusiast that want to share their creations they have made using imgnai
  3. Adult Live Performance nfts - Artists can monetize their digital creations in real-time by engaging with their audience through interactive streams. The highest tipper is rewarded with the ownership of the associated NFT video, which represents an exclusive piece of content and gives them bragging rights among fans. By fostering a community around creativity, we could incubate a project that allows both the artists and our blockchain to have new fee revenue opportunities while offering collectors unique, limited-edition digital assets.

There is demand for these types of projects, but VCs have limited appetite for funding vices. Therefore, this is a market that won’t be disrupted by VCs with large pockets. ZKF could rebrand to ZKV (zero knowledge Vice). After the rebrand a hackathon can take place to incubate the next MindGeek :slight_smile:

To incentivize developers and foster growth within our web3 ecosystem, we should implement the following measures:

  1. Smart Contract Fee Sharing: Developers can earn additional revenue when their smart contracts are used in transactions on our platform by receiving a portion of the fees paid for each interaction. This financial reward creates an incentive to build and contribute innovative solutions within our ecosystem, ultimately leading to increased adoption and value creation.
  2. Native Token Inflation: 25% of the total native token inflation is allocated specifically for developers as part of a bounty program. By offering rewards in this way, we aim to attract devs who can create tools and applications that enhance user experience, expand market reach, and generate new revenue opportunities within our ecosystem.

This dual approach ensures both financial incentives (fee sharing) and long-term investment (token inflation) for developers, encouraging them to engage with our project and actively contribute towards its growth and success. The developers are the most important to the long-term value accrual of ZKP. Due to this; end users going forward should be minimally incentivized. The approach for dev incentivization will be “Contribute first, get rewarded later”; since the token will only be inflated if developers make useful projects. Organic users who have a need will be attracted to the platform. This mitigates the issue of malicious liquidity, since unskilled users won’t have the incentive to farm and dump the token.

In terms of increasing ZKF demand; ZKF will be seen as a unique ecosystem and investors will buy the token as they will see that the token design is long-term oriented. There should be a staking mechanism that rewards loyalty based on the time period an investor is willing to lock their ZKF. i.e. 1% inflation goes to 1 year stakers, 10% inflation goes to 10 year stakers.

At the beginning USDC should be used within ecosystem projects to earn trust with non-defi native users. Later on, once the ecosystem has gained adoption the DAO can take initiatives to adjust token burn mechanisms and demand the token be used by smart contracts within the ecosystem.