Thanks for your support
This is a great plan, nothing to add
Good points, simply realised and actually working at the same time LFG
Why this post is hidden man? it was my favorite proposal…
@TylerDurden Bc 99% bots i think
Someone just don’t know how to work and disturbs others
All the top of proposals are reported by 1 clown, i think his proposal is really interesting to read because no one knows about him
I hope admins will see the situation on the forum soon and change the rules
No need to ban guys without moderators approval
Good luck my brothers creators, keep workin
so strange moves i don’t want even read other topics because these guys from the top don’t deserve to be banned, its 100% unfair
@Rock Thanks a lot for ur supporting bro, really appreciate it
There are no more report button, Big love for admins
Random bots and envious people won’t be able to bother us now, Thanks
i’m happy for you, man
Leveraging existing partner connections for joint events and integrations.
like this article, with your ranking system we have no need to fight with sybils
maybe Binance christmas campaign))
Hahahah, that would be really cool, the greatest start
It’s really cool, ZKF already have the best partnerships that people can imagine, i’m saying about the Polygon. If we caught a Binance it’s solid top-10 and im not talking about only L2.
To the mooooooonnn
Cool article, i like your subject about gas fees
Why this man? whales are everywhere