【ZIP】To a 10 Billion-dollar Project: Compounding mechanism to retain the current TVL and launchpad approach to attract excellent developers

Thanks , and hope zkfair can fly to the sky

We can try our best to push this proposal

The key of the compounding mechanism is to attract new fund and also give benefit to zkfair users.

An interesting proposal , this proposal will help zkfair , i think.

Amazing proposal, this will attract both users and developers.

Compounding mechanism seems like a ponzi

Need more details for the compounding mechanism

good proposal, we could try it.

Interesting idea for zkfair, a comprehensive strategy

let’s try this proposal , let’s zk fair up

Let’s fuccking gooooooooo


This proposal is not generated by ChatGPT, got my vote :rofl:


A proposal after careful consideration, vote for you

Good proposal to implement.

ZKFair to de moon :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

The compounding mechanism is helpful in attracting new users :smiley:

Hope to start and take off as soon as possible

This sounds great, hope to implement it soon